Overcome Baldness at a Young Age

What happens when we go bald at a young age, it can make us panic because a problem that causes baldness premature hair loss. Hair is the most important part of our body as an imaging and elegance of every human being, so it important to maintain and prevent baldness.

Baldness in this case is not the intention to follow the trend that we should cut our hair, but balding happens unexpectedly or without reasonable guess we do not know. If that happens in older people may not be too issue, but in fact turned out to balness is not picky, they can also occur in younger.

Before we dicuss further the problem of baldness at young age would be better to know in advance the hair. Hair on the head is actually just the tip of a complicated system that weighs anatomy and layered buried under the skin. The outermost layer is called the cuticle is composed of keratin which is useful for protection against drought and other external influences. The cortex is the middle there is pigment-containing hair dyes. Medulla is the intermost part is composed of various cells.

Hair has a growth cycle that will occur repeatdly between growth phase with a resting phase. Period of growth and rest periods vary by age, where the hair grows and also influenced by many factors. According to experts in the nearly 80% of normal hair gorwing on the cells that are older and up).

Baldness or alopecia in medical terms is called, consists of various type, common in scalp hair loss is alopecia areata happens that local and demarcated. The cause of this type of alopecia inculude genetic or immunological factors. Other typical types of balding male pattern alopecia called (alopecia androgenika) that is common baldness in men aged late twenty or early thirty. Heredity or increasing androgens in scalp alopecia causes on androgenika.

Baldness in women can also occur but ususally just looks thin and is called female pattern baldness. According to the theory when couples alike suffer from baldness as it then all the sons and daugthers half will experience the same thing. For hair loss caussed by hereditary factors is difficult to prevent, even if no precautionary measures to prevent the course from the start didn’t continue to get worse.

If sufferes are male antidehidroandrogen then be given medication, oral medication combined with the drug minoxidil in the form of hair tonic. If the women are only given monoksidil alone. Then a treatment for baldness due to genetic and hormonal disorders can not be estimated length. Another case when baldness occurs by a variety of external factors such as traction or hair tongs that are too strong and often, due to dandruff, due to inflamation and others. Such factors will be easier to preventable and treatable.

Tips to prevent baldness

  • First, one must recognize first if he has the talent to go bald. It also considered whether there are external factors that can make it is at risk of becoming bald.

  • In doing manipulations do not let your hair haphazardly. Meaning not too often do pull to hard, clip or hair tie too tight, curling or drying hair with hair dryer, and so on.

  • Proper hair care and with the right products, for example shampoo, conditioner, creambath, hair tonic and hair spa.

  • Nutrition is very important in supporting the healthy hair, some of which are : iron (Fe), Vitamin B1, PanAminoBenzolac Acid (PABA), calcium D pantothenic (provitamin B5), folic acid and zinc.


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