Drink So We Can Concentrate


One study published in the European Journal of Nutrition reveals the relationship between dehydration with the ability to think. In that study, as many as 33 people who participated in a long-distance road race event a participant. They were asked to fill out a journal that lists the foods and beverages they consumed the day before the race, during breakfast and during the race. Not only that, the participants also had to follow a number of cognitive tests before and after the race. All variables were then combined and compared with the results of cognitive tests each participant. As a result, participants who consumed less water and mild dehydration have lower test scores. The researchers believe dehydration is closely related to the decrease in the speed of thought can even lead to poor short-term memory of a person.

Confidence Can Solve The Problem

Lately, do you often angry for no reason? Easily offended? There may be something uncomfortable in your mind, such as marital problems, job or economic problems. People who are experiencing problems will usually feel anxious, stressed and sensitive taste arises. Disturbed mind it will take a large amount of energy, as in the day time just thinking about how to solve the problem.

Maturing process is the most important thing in solving a problem, because when we face the problem can not be separated from the nature of our personality. Whether adult or immature in dealing with the problem. People who are already mature personality will confront any problem calmly and seek a solution of every problem. Conversely those immature personality will try to avoid the problem or seek protection to people who are more powerful to overcome all the problems. If every problem we always avoided, then at some point we will definitely cornered so it can not run away from problems. Therefore it is necessary to solve the problem is self-confidence. Self-confidence can be a supporter of the creation of a comfortable mood. People who have low self-esteem or loss of self-confidence has a negative attitude towards himself, weak confidence in the ability of self and lack of accurate knowledge of the capacity it has.

Every problem there is a solution, if we have the slightest problem, you should immediately resolved. The problem is allowed to drag will gain weight and accumulate meaningful problems. Thus we have the courage to speak up assertively and quickly make good decisions and wise. Admittedly, no day without a problem. Because of that, let's face the problem. Prepare yourself mentally from now to deal with problems that may come up suddenly. Encounter problems with patient, calm and responsible to make more meaningful personality.

Yoga and Workplace

Fatigue in the workplace makes us stress, and decrease the concentration of work so we abandoned work every day and be piled up. For it to do yoga for 15 minutes in your office chair to avoid stress. Based on research conducted in Australia someone who does a variety of yoga positions while sitting had lower stress levels. According to Bobby Cheema, Ph.D., slow breathing techniques and yoga can reduce the constant tension in the nervous system. His movements were easy: Grit both hands and lift your arms up above your head. After that, bend your body to both sides for 30 seconds each. Busy work is not a reason to surrender to the stress.

The Real Anti Aging

Are you always worried about yourself every day? What causes you anxiety? Are you worried because it will be Old? Sometimes we are afraid of the turn of the calendar when it will experience as we age has been increased and we will grow old. There is a proverb saying that we will definitely be old and mature to be your choice. Something that is fair as human beings when we get old because it is a natural process when age increases. But some people are always concerned with aging moreover often referred to as premature aging.

Everybody wants a long life but no one wants to get old and it became a phenomenon at this time. All methods are used in order to stay young, be it a rational thing to do something that does not make sense to cover aging. Aging is a natural process, characterized by decreasing biological function and fertility and increasing mortality with advancing age.

Its Easy to Think Positive

Positive thinking is the solution of every problem we face that every problem that we face there will be a way out or a solution to the problem. Problems getting messed up when we do not think that should be quiet so brain function to think and find solutions instead only add to the burden that should not be there and make the problem more severe because there is no escape passage and stressful. For every problem that we face should be viewed positively.

So that we can think positively, must start with a belief that every decision has on our lives is ourselves. Thus, we will be more proactive human and not reactive. For example, when interest rates rise housing, the reactive welcomed the decision with rage, while they are proactively addressing the rise in mortgage rates to change, though small. Positive thinking is done by looking at the problem in optimistic glasses.